The modern age is the time when man will know the planet in all its magnitude, and develop new technologies related to sea transportation improvements, navigational instruments, mapping and more.

Literature has always been in parallel with the development of many historical events and literary texts that bear witness to the developments. As an example, we read some stories Edelvives book "Legends of the Sea", one of them the boy of a French ship was abandoned on an atoll near Australia, and we have entered into the secrets of the metric with Espronceda and "Pirate Song."
Interestingly, when we were on these issues, just skip the news of the seizure of the ship "Alakrana" at the hands of Somali pirates ...
So we've put back on track.
The boy, named Parmentier and son of a shoemaker in Nantes, is rescued by a British ship ... And then another question arises:
- What would a French ship and a British ship in these latitudes?
Our teacher told us that there were many stories of these and that ... Had to be sought!
Robinson Crusoe disobeying the wishes of her father embarks on a long journey as a sailor aboard a boat business. During a storm it lowers the boat he was riding, and despite many efforts to save the ship and its partners get nothing except save his own sinking to an uninhabited island on the coast of America near the Mouth Grand Rio de Oroonoque. Alone and without any output begins to reason in their misfortunes and the fact that God has assigned the future as a punishment for all the mistakes he has committed. Crusoe begins, like a good sailor, to make their own world in the lonely island, which will be for 28 years its own way of life. During the course of his life as a castaway imagination embarks on a long journey, on arrival to the island is deserted and begins to deal with its "den", ie a place to shelter from the
dangers that may lurk . Gradually, Robinson Crusoe get used to the habitat, has its own home, so to get food and his own cabin to sleep and rest. Years pass, until a good day when we wonder at the beach, near where he had his cabin, to which triu cannibal rites with wild cold-blooded killing. Achieves heroically rescue that will long remain faithful servant and friend: "Friday." Crusoe will taught to speak English, to grow, behave in a civilized manner, but above all to recognize God as the Almighty. After several months, the tribe returns to the beach, but this time brings civilized people as prisoners to England. With the help of rescue achieved Friday. Soon everyone will achieve their propositions, escape the clutches of death and fall into the hands of good fortune: everyone gets back to his native country and accompanied by Friday Crusoe manages to return to England, get a boat, and grows into a good merchant.

Robinson Crusoe Island is an archipelago located 670 km off the coast of Chile called Juan Fernandez archipelago, that was its discoverer in 1574.
After unsuccessful attempts at colonization Juan Fernández and then by the Jesuits, these islands became during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries a haven for pirates and privateers who raided the coasts of the West Indies. In 1704 funds in this insular territory British pirate ships Cinque Ports and Saint George. The foreman of the latter, after fighting with his captain was left on the island no more equipment than a Bible, a knife, a rifle, a pound of gunpowder, some snuff and clothing. His name was Alexander Selkirk, Scottish nationality. After spending four years and four months was rescued by another expedition corsair England in command of Woodes Rogers. Its history and daily life was an inspiration to the great novel by Daniel Defoe "The amazing and surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe."
After unsuccessful attempts at colonization Juan Fernández and then by the Jesuits, these islands became during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries a haven for pirates and privateers who raided the coasts of the West Indies. In 1704 funds in this insular territory British pirate ships Cinque Ports and Saint George. The foreman of the latter, after fighting with his captain was left on the island no more equipment than a Bible, a knife, a rifle, a pound of gunpowder, some snuff and clothing. His name was Alexander Selkirk, Scottish nationality. After spending four years and four months was rescued by another expedition corsair England in command of Woodes Rogers. Its history and daily life was an inspiration to the great novel by Daniel Defoe "The amazing and surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe."
The archipelago has a Mediterranean climate with strong oceanic influence, with a high relative humidity (76%). The average annual temperature is 15.5 ° C and 1,181 mm rainfall with a total of 36% of daylight hours. Given the many weather conditions that can occur in a single day, is essential to have clothes and implements of summer and winter.

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