marriage policy of the Catholic Monarchs crystallized in his grandson Charles, who, in 1516, brought together under his rule a vast inheritance. As we know, the son of Juana and Philip, sons turn of the Catholic Monarchs and Maximilian of Austria and Mary of Burgundy respectively, and therefore, Charles became the greatest king of Europe. Not only inherited large areas of his four grandparents, but also was appointed Emperor of Germany under the name of Carlos V, a title that did not involve territories, but that he stood above the rest of the monarchs on the continent.
Their titles were:
- Sovereign of the Netherlands (1506)
- King of Spain (Aragon and Castile) 1516 King of Sicily
- 1516 1519 Archduke of Austria King of the Romans
- 1519 Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 1520 King of Naples
- 1516
During his reign, the progress of the American territories was very fast. However, in Europe, the continuing conflict eventually exhaust the kingdom.
Carlos said four wars with France and faced the German princes. They had decided to follow Luther, founder of a new Christian church separate from the Pope's authority, known as evangelical Protestant church or Lutheran.

Finally, in 1556, Carlos gave to his son Philip the most of their possessions, while his brother Ferdinand bequeathed to the Austrian territories and the title of emperor. He then retired to the monastery of Yuste, in Extremadura, where he died two years later.
Detail of the cloister of the Monastery of Yuste
Text: Environmental Awareness
Mundoagua Editorial Project Edelvives
Photos: Google
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