The wheel is a mechanical mechanism generally circular rotating about an axis, can be considered a simple machine, and is part of the machine called elements.
is one of the fundamental inventions in the history of mankind, for their usefulness in the development of pottery, ground transportation, and as a component of various machines. Knowledge of their origin is lost in time, and its many uses have been instrumental in the development of human progress.
The wheel is a mechanical mechanism generally circular rotating about an axis, can be considered a simple machine, and is part of the machine called elements.
is one of the fundamental inventions in the history of mankind, for their usefulness in the development of pottery, ground transportation, and as a component of various machines. Knowledge of their origin is lost in time, and its many uses have been instrumental in the development of human progress.
His appearance is in Mesopotamia 3500-3250 years ago BC
The conference achieved a more efficient use of animal force applied to agriculture, but their uses have been plenty since ancient times: wagon wheel, wheel to wheel with water up in buckets from a well, potter's wheel, wheel spinning wheel and a wheel begins to use the power of nature: waterwheel, which gets energy of a stream, river or waterfall.
The Greeks and Romans applied widely waterwheel. An example is the construction by the Romans in a wheat mill in southern France that combined 16 wheels each other that made them work 32 mills produced almost a ton of flour each.
The Arabs also used the water wheel in agriculture, in Murcia have many examples of these wheels along the banks of the River Segura.
wheel became the great machine of the Middle Ages, used as flour mills, in mills, hammers and pumps to operate bellows for fulling wool, etc.

Large waterwheels stave develops a maximum of fifty horsepower. And he used both horizontally and vertically.
The application of the wheel spinning on an axis was incorporated into the construction of instruments and tools far more precise. One example are these astrolabes reproducing the sky and played a key role in improving the guidance systems and the widespread use of long distance travel especially by sea.
In this picture we have several examples of the application of wheels and axles, the astrolabes of As-Shali (Toledo, 1067), the universal astrolabe of Ibn as-sarray (Aleppo, 1328) and the English-Gothic astrolabe (XIV century), reproductions of exposure Andalusian Legacy Foundation.
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