Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I-catcher Console Web View

A singer gum need

Reza Galician topic that is so tight that if they were, the polls would only have one possible answer: "Do not know / No answer." That must be what happens to Rajoy, who never knows anything.

At least, that is clear from the agenda of the last month. As a bearded Hoidini, has escaped the reporters who asked about the challenge lists Bildu. Up to 15 days was not talking about the hottest topic of the moment.

Or, for that matter, the presence charged with corruption in the PP lists .

Actually, yes Rajoy spoken: there have been statements from you in two thirds of the days of April. Another thing is to answer: his habit is to talk about his book and leave without taking questions. Rallies, speeches, presentations of books, meals with members ... Any format you'd better, if he is the only choice of the issue to be addressed. That policy is never current.

This month, Rajoy has missed only three cases this command. The first day 4, with an interview on the SER. The second, the 6 with a press conference in the Catalan parliament over a few questions on TV3. And, last, day 11, with a meeting with reporters after meeting with Angela Merkel.

These melés, Rajoy es la antítesis de Mourinho. Es el maestro del antititular, y de la LERDEZ.
Tras su encuentro con Merkel , por ejemplo, los reporteros le preguntaron tres veces por la presencia de imputados en sus listas de la Comunidad Valenciana . Y las tres se les escabulló: " Sobre ese asunto no voy a hablar hoy ", dijo. Ni nunca, claro, porque si se moja en algo le entra diarrea. Y así hasta hoy.

Esta táctica provoca un efecto perverso. Frustrados por el mutismo de Rajoy, los reporteros le asaetan a preguntas en cuanto asoma la barba en un acto. Y él, abrumado, se fuga como puede.

Es rarísimo que el popular responda una de estas preguntas improvised, but made a plea on April 15. That day, after dodging the rest of the pen, stood with Adriana Abenia, Sálvame reporter. After a chat of Holy Week, the reporter brought up the subject of Bildu . It was then, somewhat annoying, Rajoy settled the conversation. How
going to say something if it is probably still not aware of what that is?

Something similar happened this miércoles.En mentioned as ETA, ended concord: Rajoy as his team went his way .

Meanwhile, in the PP are irritadísimos by criticism. They have even released a dossier on sus intervenciones en lo que va de año. Pero, qué coño de irritados ni gaitas escocesas si es mucho más cómodo hablar con un mudo que al menos por señas dice algo.

El silbo gomero, un antiquísimo idioma de 4.000 palabras, al lado del rajoyés, es todo un prodigio de expresividad y de parlamentarismo.

Más les vale a los peperos nombrar Jefe a un experto en chiflar con silbo gomero, porque el Registrador en donde se halla cómodo es en un sofá leyendo "Marca".


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How To Reset The Car Sarter Compu Star

peper That royal wedding which was outlawed but lie

El secreto de María Cristina Bourbon, mother of Elizabeth II held a false link with a military commoner had eight children, "hidden" with him, you wanted to reign in Ecuador ...

In 1844, the history of former regent Maria Cristina de Borbon, the woman expelled from Spain by Espartero first and then his own daughter, who forged a military expedition to impose delirious king of Ecuador as one of his children , tangled in a thousand business with the Marquis of Salamanca and charged in the courts of stealing the crown jewels ...

In September 1833 his uncle died and husband, Fernando VII , and in December of that year he had married, or so she thought, with Fernando Muñoz , the bodyguard who fell within the lifetime of Desire.

Why in secret? Because I needed the strictest secrecy to preserve the regency, which had held until 1840, and custody of their daughters: Isabel, the queen girl, and Luisa Fernanda.

So in the Constituent Cortes of 1854, to form the committee that investigated his political action, the deputies were unable to obtain certification of the marriage, as there was in registration. Although it had been concluded.

How? One of the few relationships courtesans of Muñoz in 1833 was the priest Aniano Marcos González , his cousin, who was in Madrid, the newly ordained. Spoke with him to marry her the queen and offered a chaplaincy of honor if I could find the way to do it in secret. Attempted to license the patriarch, but he was suspicious of the young cleric, aware of the seriousness of running a morganatic marriage and hide. He also denied approval on the bishop of Cuenca, who was diocesan Aniano Marcos himself.

then the couple appealed to the Papal Nuncio, Cardinal Tiberi. He resisted at first, but once repeated the handwritten obituary instance of real girlfriend, ended up giving license to the priest.

At seven in the morning of December 28, 1833 took place on marriage, in the palace. But it was not easy to avoid the uncouth remarks of the court and its critics. The foul-mouthed Country Alange Countess then said: " Our queen is a woman married in secret and in public pregnant."

And that was the drama, as he explained his granddaughter, Princess Eulalia " The concealment of the children and her marriage to my beautiful grandmother imposed incredible sacrifices. When one child was born, she was forced to dress and seek to read the opening speech of the courts at five hours after giving birth ... Fainted is explained as a passenger discomfort, but that sparked the rumors and was the occasion to endless legends were not without some truth .

That to call "cute" his grandmother is a bit exaggerated when looking at the picture the same below.

But the link was invalid for canon law. Everyone had missed the crucial intervention of the priest at the ceremony prescribed by the Council of Trent, which was the law of the Kingdom. So the pious Maria Cristina and its no less compassionate husband lived as lovers and simple parents of an illegitimate offspring of eight children, who kept secret with incredible stunts. And the unscrupulous

had finally taken their toll on the conscience of the queen, as is clear from this touching letter from General Narvaez, president of the government, Finance Minister, Alejandro Mon, April 1844: "Her Majesty the Queen mother called me today, and with a difficult emotion to explain myself, and a torrent of tears that fell from my eyes, I said he is not married, have children, children whom he loves, and wants a clear conscience not bring misfortune to their children and leave the big commitment that is . "

Therefore, as returned from exile in Paris during the reign of Espartero, Maria Cristina turned to his daughter. And so Elizabeth II Muñoz made the Grandee of Spain First Class as Duke of Riansares and he would fall after all types of titles and distinctions: the Marquis de San Agustín, a knight of the Golden Fleece or the Grand Cross Order of Carlos III, while it rose to colonel, brigadier, quarterback and lieutenant general .

But there was the question of marriage. The National Historical Archive there is a booklet titled eloquently: Betrothal the Hon. D. Agustín Fernando Muñoz y Sanchez, Duke of Riansares, with HM the Queen Mother Augusta Mrs. María Cristina de Borbón. Signed on October 12, 1844 by Don Juan José Bonel and Orbe, bishop of Córdoba and confessor of Queen Elizabeth II.

Elizabeth II's confessor proclaimed nothing less than it had allowed her mother to marry her bodyguard, thereby admitting that the couple was not married yet, although they were born seven of its eight "muñoces."

December 15, Maria Cristina informed of their legal status to Louis Philippe, king of the French: "I fill a duty to you, my uncle, which is to give part of my marriage with the Duke of Riansares .

The paper added that Maria Cristina de Borbon y Agustín Fernando Muñoz acquired "legal marriage" to nine-thirty at night, in the Queen's private apartments Governor, before a portable altar around which gathered the priests and spouses referrals.

Well, nothing. Anyone who has the surname of his grandfather, "Muñoz Bourbon is Bourbon cousin today.

is not surprising that no the widow of a king subnormal deep as was Fernando VII, was married to a calm. So it was with the widow of Polycarp, "The invention of Nations and Empires. "This last was married to a policeman.
So much for the glamor of the wedding" real. "

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sunday Sport Jo Guest

Bildu Eye

The decision of the Supreme Chamber of rejecting 61 of the lists temporarily closed Bildu attempt to sneak Batasuna, once again, in the institutions.

has not been easy. In the vote, nine of the 16 judges opted for estimating the resources of the Office and the State Bar, six chose to reject (ie that favored the coalition could attend) and one voted for his partial estimate, which shows that the division came in the room when it was decided not Sortu enrollment (nine votes to seven) has remained practically.

The Basque ETA terrorism violence stood at the base of the system and destroyed democracy, to exclude from the alternation of non-nationalist options.

nationalism as a whole, benefited from political overrepresentation at once favored by the inhibition of non-nationalist forces and the violence of terrorists. This situation has lasted nearly three decades, and only began to change very slowly at first, after the huge demonstrations by the democraciadel summer of 1997, following the kidnapping and murder of Miguel Angel Blanco.

Nationalism is not resigned to the effective alternation (the result of a belated and imperfect constitutionalist party alliance) or the disappearance of ETA.
However, the two factors is only the second truly deleterious to nationalist hegemony, because the continuity of terrorism is politically necessary condition for the survival of nationalism.

If ETA disappear, they would also, and complete inhibition persisting non-nationalist forces and the overrepresentation still notable nationalism.

Therefore, from the Ararteko Urkullu Inigo Lamarca, theoretically moderate nationalists have been hoarse Bildu advocating legalization. Such protection takes two forms: the threat, Urkullu, breaking its commitments to the government of Rodriguez and Lamarca's interpretation of the rights of voters radical in terms of a tacit "extension of rights", that would vote for a legitimate option and subject matter, but virtually identical of the outlawed Batasuna.

And the Socialists are very sensitive to moral blackmail of nationalism when they are raised in the same jargon progress.

often disgust I long to take over now and the Kurkullus Rubal.

But still not finished the game: recourse to the Constitutional and we all know that's not a place for the application of Justice. There are always officers Psoe goalkeepers.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Donating Office Space To 501c3

What fools troop

The bombing of stupidity mixed with noble causes and pollution of them, the accomplices who point of what to say, people of good will disoriented by the gulfs, and bays, we peer-to make it in business all subsidized, lack of training to survive the tsunami in imbeciles that overwhelms us, sweeps and asphyxia has managed to wander around the rock, not knowing what to expect.

Without daring to step naturally, expressing an opinion, even make certain gestures or movements, for fear of unintended consequences, critical raves, social sanctions, including fines and administrative proceedings, they become suddenly against and make it a steak.

I will give two examples warm. One is the friend a week ago, to make way for a woman here would be inaccurate to say to a lady at the entrance to a building, he found to his surprise, that the individual not only stopped, refusing to happen first, but also angry, spat in the face the word "macho."

So imagine the amazement of my friend, his face Linnet keeping the door open, not knowing what to do. Wondering if in case of a man, who also gives way to simple reflection of good education, would call "feminist."
With the aggravation of that given the possibility that the course was homosexual male "In that case, maybe I should go ahead," or Mrs. were gay-maybe she should support him the door to him, should have guessed, intuit or guess before establishing whether it was right to go first or not. O

whether in any case, rushing to be first, and close the door on the other, whoever he was, would resolve the dilemma or trilemma tetralemma so satisfactory to all.

But my drama does not end there, my friend commented. Because from that day, he added, can not stop spinning. What if I am in a door with a Mayan Indian, a Moor of the Moors or a dark-skinned sub-Saharan Africa, before synthetically called black?

Do you give in the way or not I give it? If you step forward, "call me a racist? If you hold the door to pass, do not look like a paternalistic and neo-colonial gesture?

it "contravenes the Equal Treatment Act or Trick? What if a woman, feminist and also afrosaharianasubnegra? How do I organize myself? Should I try to move on both at once, even if the gate is narrow and does not fit? ...

Still could be worse. What if this is a decreased or diminished physical or physical? "Give way or pass not to his own eyes or others, as evidence of an alleged humiliating inequality thus violating the exquisite equality compels me dura lex sed lex, Duralex? Should I take a run and pass in time so that the door is closed again when the other and a fag, sorry, elegetebé last? ...

On the other hand, if I suddenly start to run, is interpreted as a provocation Paralympic fascist? Should I pretend not to see the wheelchair? ... So, is anyone able to tie these flies by the tail? Well

. If we face such insomnia adults, who supposedly have references and common sense to look for life, calculated what is happening to the children, submitted by the stupid part brainwashing adults and confronted him with the implacable logic and honest, yet unpolluted crap, its a few years.

The penultimate event a teacher referred me. A four year old had done some mischief in class, teasing peers, and to be rebuked before the other, a little fly, asked who had betrayed him. "Fulanita, for example," said the teacher pointing to a blonde girl with blue eyes, "says you are very naughty and not let it work in peace." Then the creature

-four years, insist slowly turned to look at girls and said softly, but audibly, "Well, I'll from the mouth, snitch."

Appalled, the teacher intended the child disfigured, saying among other things that girls should not ever hit them, and so on. That's the worst thing, the most vile, cowardly and evil.
And then the dwarf goat, after pondering a moment, very calm and very logical, said: " Why does he not the same as boys? ." Arturo Perez Reverte

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wax Shower How Long To Wait

The Libyan who was unknowingly Rommel Butler

Kraim Budawa Issa Benghazi recalls his close relationship with the German military Marshal Rommel. Tells it, 70 years later, the young butler today nonagenarian living in his apartment in Benghazi, the capital of the rebel government that challenges Gaddafi.

British command in late 1941 landed in secret on the east coast to kill the Libyan Desert Fox was wrong. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, head of the German army in North Africa campaign, did not sleep in the headquarters of Al Baida, in the center of the Italian colonial province of Cyrene, but in a secret residence next to the ruins Apollonia Greek: Susah village, bordering the Mediterranean. Therefore

saved. He slept there, accompanied only by a military aide, Officer Alex Ulrich, and his personal assistant Libyan Kraim Budawa Issa. Alternating

Italian, English and Arabic, tells her story. When it came to the world, Libya was an Italian colony since 1911 and the rebel leader Omar Mokhtar led the resistance against the metropolis from the Green Mountain, the land of Issa. But he was brought up with the Italians and joined the colonial administration.

" Apolonia was born in in 1919 or 1920. I worked as an employee of the municipality until 1940. That year began World War II in February 1941, the Germans came to support the Italians against the Allies. I was the supervisor of Rommel's secret residence in Apollonia. Went everywhere with him when he was at the front. I was eating, drinking, was responsible for the house, could enter his room when he slept, he translated. But for several months there knew it was him, "says Issa.

" At first he was dressed in civilian clothes and German officials told me I was a journalist, a teacher or a military adviser. I wanted to meet Rommel and did not know working with him, "recalls former butler, who took six months to realize.

" A British command 60 men landed on the coast to kill Rommel. As its administrative headquarters, believed that slept there. But no, Apolonia slept with me! Was the November 18, 1941. Some officers German and I went to Al Baida. We saw three Germans of the guard and the England captain dead. In the afternoon came Rommel, military dress. Then I knew it was him .

Issa then had his left arm bracelet the swastika. But do not leave your mouth words of admiration for the Nazis. Their assistance was professional. And the worship of their leader Rommel, personal, not political.

" He had never fear. It was a brave man. Very clever. No smoking, no drinking alcohol. Made no distinction between officers, NCOs, soldiers and Arabs were all equal to him as a family. Respected us as if we were their children. And also respected the Allied POWs. "Issa and Rommel

communicate in Italian. He developed friendship so that the general went to his wedding and he confided to family intimacy, and that his wife wanted to come and visit with your child , "but he would not see the duration of the war."
The British, to arrest or kill Rommel would have done better to recruit Issa: "I went in his room when he slept, he had no gun or rifle at home .

Rommel wanted to bring their tanks to the other side of the Suez Canal. But the British offensive at the Battle of El Alamein he was stopped. It was a point inflection and the Germans began to retreat. One day in late 1942, Rommel took leave of Issa. He gave her a signed photo of him that still holds.

" is over, we lost North Africa," he said then, before returning to Germany, where in 1944 he was forced to commit suicide after being implicated in the plot to kill Hitler.

Issa ended up working for the British Meteorological Office Benghazi, where he remained until his retirement in 1986. Quiet now attends the new revolution. All passed and he's still here, with his wife and eight children.

Gaddafi What do you think? " At first the people loved him. It was good. But lately, the people were not happy. Only this I can tell." Word of the survivor.


Friday, April 29, 2011

How Does Nutralisation Help

electoral Debacle

In Rome, the animals that were conducted on the island of Evia, which were usually entrusted to the managers Pulianas their care and food, chickens and birds were sacred to be used to obtain the predictions. were the entrails of animals that Scryers consulted, for the omens, and consisted of six parts, namely the tongue, heart, spleen, liver, lungs and kidneys.
If all of these parties showed to be very fresh, whole and healthy, the omen, then, was deemed favorable and, conversely, very unfortunate, they were livid, blackish, thin or reached if they were not. Cucumber

takes months opening and opening sacred birds and always gives the same thing: belly blackish.

PSOE could suffer a meltdown election next May 22 in the six communities in the ruling, according to the survey by Sigma Dos, looking at the entrails of all animals as possible.

Zapatero's recent announcement that there will be a candidate has not led to any improvement in the PSOE's electoral expectations about what drew the polls in January. This is because the positive effect was the decision to hold primaries has been diluted by the fact that those in these elections are the same that ruled most of the communities, which have also suffered significant attrition.

Two more regional barons demanded the announcement of Zapatero, José María Barreda and Guillermo Fernández Vara fail to raise their expectations to vote, even in the latter case nearly two points lower.

can be inferred from the fact that the electorate is sobrecastigando Rod Barreda and, as the other autonomous socialist leaders, by discontent with the policies of Zapatero and especially by its inability to tackle the economic crisis.

By contrast, the upward trend in the PP, which was already very strong in January, is consolidated in these six communities, which could govern alone or in coalition if it confirms what the survey predicts.

Entering the individual analysis, the PP would achieve absolute majority in the Balearics, ending the second stage of socialist Francesc Antich, who has ruled with the support of a heterogeneous amalgam of parties.

Jose Ramon Bauza, the Popular Party, which has been removed from the lists to all defendants in Baleares, has a good chance of leading the future Executive.

Ignacio de Diego, another new face in the PP, could also govern alone in Cantabria , as reflected by this poll, which predicted the collapse of a Socialist Party that could drag in its fall Revilla.

The most bitter defeat for Zapatero's party loss would Castilla-La Mancha, where he has ruled since 1983. María Dolores de Cospedal appears more than five points ahead of Barreda, but that victory could disappear by the narrow margin between the two sides in three provinces. Similar

scenario looms in Extremadura , traditional socialist stronghold where he could obtain an absolute majority José Monago , the new candidate of the PP. However, Rod could return to rule if IU achieved parliamentary representation, which is quite possible. In

Aragon and Asturias, the government would further for PP and always depending on post-election coalition. Rudy is probably the next most popular candidate, but will need to PAR to form a government.

In Asturias, the Forum of helmets and the PP could govern together, although the PSOE would be the party with the most support. Meanwhile

in Andalucia , socialist castle far, PB achieved 48.0% of the vote compared to 38.6% who won in 2008, which would be located with a range of between 56 and 60 seats (currently has 47). This would mean a difference of 11.2 points of difference with the PSOE.

And in the Rioja the PP obtained 53.3% of the vote against 48.7% in the past elections that would fall to 19 or 20 seats out of 17 currently have. For its part, the PSOE lost 5.1 points and would stand at 35.4%.

What makes you understand the fact that Pepin see "so far right " all over Spain, and they're going to dump all the sites to "probes" liberal. " And after that, it returns the puppeteers of all kinds along with the union without members during a long season.

Although the only thing that counts is the votes cast at the polls and still a month for the appointment.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Balloon Arrow Forest Apple Bow

soothsayers predict the age of 20 has already committed 200 murders

When age should fill his head with education, fun and future plans, reality has placed among the Mexican hit men confessed to more crimes.
With only 20, one of the gunmen arrested for the killing of Tamaulipas admitted having participated in 200! murders.

How is it possible? If I just had time ... Because
other creepy criminal career began as a child. As the famous 'boy hitman', recruited at age 11 by force by the South Pacific cartel and arrested with 14 last December. In

he did not know much else, except the writing which is reported today by Homeland Security spokesman, Alejandro Poire, in his second appearance in two days to report on the killing of Tamaulipas, which accumulates and unearthed 183 bodies of 40 graves.

His case not only shaken by the volume of crimes he has confessed, but because it reflects a common reality in the drug cartels, who recruit children , which begin running errands, working as 'hawks' (informants) or charging money from kidnappings for example, and end with a rifle in his hands in no time.

One of the most famous recent cases was that of "child assassin" known as 'The PONCHISE', 14, arrested in December. The boy reported that he had been forcibly recruited at age 11 by the South Pacific Cartel (CPS) and who had murdered and beheaded four people in his career.

However, current law allows only sentence him to three years in prison. That is the reason that organized crime uses to minors, their sentences are much lower than those applied in cases of abduction and murder those who have already passed 18. The

current legislation, dating from 2007, shows that 12 to 14 years younger can not be deprived of their freedom and will need assistance for rehabilitation with the support of her parents and a public school. Of the 14 to 16 imposes a maximum penalty of three years in prison. Luckily

these killers are not fans of "furbo."


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Scabies Worse After Trement

The last bandit of the mountains

A device composed of 70 policemen, a helicopter and tracking dogs surround the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sierra Margarita, between the towns of Cadiz Forest and Benamahoma to arrest the man who five years ago has been released into the bush to escape justice.

With his arrest last fall Andalusian bandit or, as he and his fellow nicknamed, The Lute of Cadiz, who frightened shepherds and hikers as a highwayman with a shotgun in hand. Who, though bloodless dead on their backs, finished docking blunderbuss in hand or disarming guards patrolling his heels between cliffs and dens. Are

half past six one-day cold and wet. Antonio Manuel sleeps in the tent that is installed near the path that connects the two highland populations, right in the Grazalema Natural Park, with a very steep and vegetated terrain. The officers have spent months studying how and when can be done with such a peculiar piece. They think that by now there have it all done.

But the offender, old dog, was aware of his presence and tries to escape. Is when it starts a chase up the mountain, among rocks that emerge. The new Lute, in a daring courage, launches into a stream from about three feet high, sweeping away two policemen, but is finally captured.

La Guardia Civil last saw him in his hut (tent) where lay a girl of only 14. His niece maybe. They had spent the night confined to bed and as stipulated by a complaint "was naked from the waist down." Monte fierce.

The legend of Antonio Manuel Sánchez was born five years ago. After spending nearly five years in prison Asturias, just outside, in 2004, committed a robbery. It seems that he has not learned the lesson. With the loot train across Spain to restart his life among the mountains which saw him grow.

A Benamahoma, where he was born August 21, 1970, is back with 33. He was happy in the house of the grandmother who raised him, which wants to keep up his last days. Think that their problems with the law over. Spend a few years or so quiet, doing work as a builder and man of gardening at City Hall. Some neighbors, knowing his past, "argued with, look for", but it contains. He does not want any more trouble despite his blood boil.

Until one day the Civil Guard returns to knock on his door. According to some locals, among several agents will stick a "brutal beating" his resistance to being arrested . Cursing sore and returns to the Asturian prison, where only 15 days passed since the judge sets him free.

But nowhere near the story was over. In late 2006 you get a new notification. Justice requires their presence.

" before stepping back to jail, shot the mountain me," he swears to himself. Although it will suffer his grandmother, the woman who has never failed. And so it begins Manuel Antonio romance in the old mountain bandits and poachers. The

Margarita saw , is installed in a large tent of blue. Beside him stands another smaller for her three dogs, trained, are used to terrorize those who approach him. At least that's what counts the Meritorious. A wooded area, extremely rugged and full of lush fir is the best hiding place. There feels like home, then in its infancy Mount was the main, if not the only resource for many families. Think you'll be able to survive with what it catches. It even has a small plantation of marijuana to get your cheerleading.

But the whole mountain is maria. The climate in the mountains is hard to excess. Inclement weather caused a dent in their physical and begins to lose kilos. He looks haggard. It will sour the mood. Not surprisingly, Grazalema Spain is the area where more rain.

Given the scarcity of food and the need for some tools, petty theft made pastors and stores nearby towns for not alert in Benamahoma, where his little more than 400 residents is common knowledge that during winters the fugitive is sheltered in caves of the mountain roads hidden among "inaccessible and rarely ventured." There hidden machetes and axes, weapons increasingly useful for him.

Their days become routine. With its knapsack on his back, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, a packet of pills and a kind of fishing line, runs along the peaks in search of animals . Once hunted, the handle on a wood fire. Gradually becomes a being asocial. It is wild.

In September 2009, threatens to kill two police officers who caught practicing forest poaching. Both were held at gunpoint, they run scared. Fifteen months later, a hiker comes across him in the middle of the road and chases him away with his gun, but not before stealing food.

even cornered one night seeing a couple of guards civilians who make a routine raid, held up at gunpoint and forced him to flee floor. When does open some distance between the shadows run for cover.
could have killed them right there, but did not want to see blood. To his credit also applies to other small incidents that no author can be attributed to him simply for his reputation. All because at that time and is an easy target, a rural legend that demonize the area.

But the offense that moves the Civil Guard to try to stop it is committed again in January this year. The Lute docks at dawn the only gas station in El Bosque. Seeing it closed, no one thinks. Error. A guard watches over the establishment and attempts to prevent theft. In an act of pure rage, Antonio Manuel hit him repeatedly with his shotgun. In his subsequent flight, hit several shots into the air to be filled.

questions late in this whole affair: How a 35 year old man decided to take a profound change your life ? Perhaps childhood is the answer.

Legend has it the mother, Antonia, and no single type of support, was forced to move to Sevilla to "serve in a house." That was when the grandmother, Ana, nurse.

However, Antonia's mother, now a thin man of 60 years, with very short blond hair, Sevilla decided to take her son when he was only 10 years. That's where it started its "dysfunctional" . Started to meet guys older than him who abused drugs. And he, coming from the rural world, fascinated, succumbed and was initiated into the world of retail, which years later would lead to entry into prison.

But the hardest hit received by the twenty-first century highwayman came three years ago, when her grandmother died.

Manuel Antonio's mother lives in Benamahoma and ensures that after the arrest, the Meritorious exhibited his son "as a trophy."

sits beside her second husband, who prefers not to be named, and no panties girl who appeared on the arrest of Manolito. " She was there because every four or five days he carried a knapsack with food, but that night he was late " he says. The girl, perhaps captivated by the romance of being the mistress of an outlaw of the old school, carrying a backpack with cans, coffee, eggs and ran during a minute walk distance between your house of his bandit hideout.

The story is reminiscent of other outlaws who, in their fight to outlaw, found in the Andalusian mountain nooks to hide. And

Chaves children living in palaces, like the other "protectors" of the Board of Andalusia.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How Much Is Engam Bull Dog

The pattern of the mayor

People "invisible" in a cellar without wine, in an abandoned farmhouse ... That inflates the census of voters the "cacique" Emilio. And not alone.

Higuero Emilio Cardoso
, nearly 25 years of Mayor Lobeira (Ourense) , is reset to test yet again its ability to anchor the chair. Not only their neighbors vote. An empty warehouse ruler's residence is listed as a nearby village postman, his wife and two children.

Higuero In the house, that of her daughter and two brothers are seven people surveyed "nobody has ever seen." Up to 20 cases of "non-municipality" recorded in the homes of relatives and friends of the mayor or uninhabitable sites.

was the fuse that ignited the impeachment of the electoral census of the people, always encouraged by the local spokesman for the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG), Anton Alvarez.
But the octogenarian says the new census are people who "come to seek work " a poor municipality in demographic decline.

Lobeira, just 1,000 inhabitants, is the paradigm of a situation that reproduces throughout Spain, less than a month to go to the polls May 22.

In Burgos (45 locations suspected), Leon (28), Valencia (19), La Rioja (16) ... In total, 241 municipalities being investigated by the National Statistics Institute (INE) for alleged manipulation of the electoral roll .

The pattern is always similar: a small town, where every vote can be decisive, dominated by a pervasive and troubling Mayor deficit of democratic culture. High census
always recorded, interestingly, in the homes of friends and relatives of the head or on sites unlikely. People who lend themselves to these false religious vote changes of address to Mayor: personal affinity, family ties or payment for favors.

In the province of Ourense were reported in recent months to 35 municipalities to increase their census suspects. Only in two cases, and Lobeira Entrimo, Central Electoral Board granted the option to disputing.

immediately obvious within minutes of knowing that Higuero, former policeman 81 years, is delighted to be the mayor of Lobeira by the PP. It senses a whiff of a cult of personality when you cross the main street of town, the Mayor's Cruise Higuero Cardoso, where the honoree himself, despite the redundancy, is home.

" If not a democratic mayor, would not here about 30 years " he says forcefully, bothered.

The complaints of irregular census will not talk. But can a winery?

" not live in the cellar, are not pigs "corrected. The distinction is that the winery is on the top floor" house. "Actually, this is a smoke, dusty, filthy, uninhabitable. And, obviously, uninhabited. If someone lived there, would like a pig.

Equally unlikely is that a neighboring lot overgrown, where just looking the remains of a ruined house, hostel to anyone in their right mind. And there is an enumerated person there. Since other two surveys on an abandoned farm house, a few miles from the villa.
The BNG of cost-month closure threats in the council and the press calls Higuero make them provide the names and Address high standard of a year from now : 78 new neighbors, no less. Sieving
magnifying glass, the nationalists were left with the score of people. They are the majority, hosted by the mayor and his family. Higuero

Cardoso defends. "What do you think [the complainants], that will prohibit the free movement of people who came to Lobeira looking for a job? " challenging question.

May 22 may be decisive for the mayor Higuero. Lobeira lost a councilman and remains at seven. The neighborhood agitator, chemical, 66, confesses "liberal and pulling to the right, PP voter and former Higuero voter. "

" Until I saw their animals, "he concludes. As" charge an average of 2,500 euros per month for subsistence and assistance to full (no salary as mayor). " Or that the council only invests EUR 13 per person per year .

about to enter the session, the ruler is interrupted by a neighbor who wants to speak of works. He recalls that "I will bring six votes . " Keep doing it," asked the mayor.

How many hundreds of people of Spain peasants and semi-isolated in these conditions are false census, in addition to all the scams Slave laborers Andalusian Psoe?

Never mind that some are peper and other sociatas. All act on.

monarchies in times of Alfonso XII and Alfonso III was that the chiefs and Spain widespread false votes or purchased. And I think we like.

(With information from Manuel Darriba)


Monday, April 25, 2011

554sorry, Message Looks Like Spam To Me

The "bogeyman" is not a story

The legend, which frightened the children to distrust of outsiders, is made flesh in a Blonde German pedagogue. would have killed 13 sec kid raped in over 40 seven countries since 1992

always acted with his face hidden by a black balaclava and night, while the children slept. Dozens of times he had assaulted tents in summer camps, youth hostels rooms during school trips and even small bedrooms, in their own homes.

The largest child rapist and serial murderer in the history of Germany (and probably in Europe) has just been arrested and charged with crimes Jahr Stefan (13 years), Dennis Röstel (8) and Dennis Klein (9) but, as its DNA is compared with many other open cases appear more victims. He himself has admitted over 40 children's violations. The German bogeyman called Martin N .

" I awoke in the middle of the night a masked man pointing a gun at me saying I should not make noise. I would not have been screaming, I was paralyzed with fear. I pulled the pajama pants and began to rape me. After moody asked why I had not had an erection, if not everything was in order . "

So remember, told Spiegel TV program, the now adult H. Thomas, one of his earliest victims, the night that Martin N. came through the window his bedroom, while in the next room his father slept.

This happened in 1994, in the district Horn-Lehe in Bremen , and the case remains unresolved. By then, Martin N. had already killed in cold blood at least one other child. On March 31, 1992, abducted in a boarding Stefan, 13. Raped him and killed him without leaving tracks.

Police in several states of northern Germany began, then, to share testimonies of children who spoke of a tall, black-masked, threatened them with weapons to take them to secluded places. The bogeyman legend come true. But unfortunately, these testimonies were taken seriously only when an adult present at the scene for the first time.

On March 25, 1992, the criminal came into the bedroom of a youth home in Bremen, pointed a knife at one of the boys and forced him to follow. She tried to scream, but the masked man covered her mouth and choked him in silence. Miraculously, a teacher overheard the hint of a cry and decided to peek to see what was happening. Little could have done because it was blocked at the scene, but his presence was enough. Martin N. saw, let the child and left running in the dark.

the case has finally been arrested is to Dennis Klein , Who disappeared on September 5, 2001 of a hostel near Cuxhaven, who had gone hiking with her class, and whose body was found two weeks later by a man gathering mushrooms to 40 km away.

Police still will not give details about this research, which has lasted a decade and has led to a teacher of 40 years living in Hamburg whose DNA has been matched also with a child rapist who been pursuing over 20 years. Until

has provided the genetic sample, the police had only managed to corner N. Martin I had made the determination crossing the border to more easily act where no one had heard of the man in black.

On August 10, 1998, disappeared from his tent in Brunssum, Netherlands , a 10-year-old Nicky, whose body was found the next day in a nearby pine plantation. On April 7, 2004, Jonathan Coulom, 11, disappeared from a boarding school in St. Brevin, in western France and on this occasion, the body was not found until six weeks later, shackled and wearing pajamas in a pond about 30 km from the lodge.

The German police are making connections with these and other murders and disappearances of children in several countries, but the map of the detainee's criminal activities is far from complete.

" Our work is now focused on mapping the movements of the murderer for the past 20 years. Every place I have gone, every person you have contacted us may lead to more victims ," says spokesman Rieker Anke police. In the home registration photos have also appeared in travel to Latin America. The list can be very, very long, perhaps hundreds of cases.

The bureaucracy has played against his victims and to the frustration of the police, many cases could be avoided. Martin N. was first arrested in 2004 , when two children from 6 to 8 years reported that he had taken his house, he had masturbated in his presence and had ejaculated on their bodies. The sentence should have put him under close surveillance, but merely impose a fine of 1,800 euros .

was on trial for second time in 2006, complained to a court in Berlin by a man who tried to blackmail asking 20,000 euros in exchange for not revealing that he kept child pornography on his computer.

On December 9, 2008 was officially requested a DNA sample for genetic data file police Germany began to gather on sexual offenses. But Martin N., simply did not attend the event in which the sample should be taken genetics and the mechanisms of a budding law still served as a tragic gap. A simple comparison tests with dozens of police power have served to identify the serial rapist .

Now they are fitting the many pieces of the puzzle, it is hard to believe that no one suspected before this teacher, used from 2000 to 2008 by the Evangelical church in charge of the project A home for homeless people .

the late 90's, welcomed several homeless boys aged 10 to 15 years in his own home in Bremen-Neustadt, but early reports did not appear until 2004 and thereafter raffled research under the tutelage of leaving to go to work in adult education and through several changes of address.

The first surface psychiatric examinations, which were made after his arrest, did not show any imbalance, but the team of experts that advises the German police quickly noticed the tremendous physical resemblance N. Martin had as a child in photographs taken when she was between 8 and 12 years, with the physical appearance of their victims. These same specialists
the obsessive repetition of the modus operandi in the rape and murder, coupled with the resemblance to many of his victims, points to profile of a serial murderer who repeated over and over again the scene of a trauma that gets released and in which finding pleasure suffering ends. This trauma should be sought in its infancy, which have been made public very little data.

Her mother, who lives and still can not believe his son is the monster that is the police, described it as a kid " normal, rather shy and very attentive, never showed signs of cruelty similar to that necessary to commit such horrible crimes those now charged .

He also had another child of similar age and remain anonymous due to sub judice. According to the magazine Stern published, the father left the family home when the two were still small and not I have seen since then.

The murderer became independent 21 years of age, after completing his studies in pedagogy, and resources available about themselves began to travel. visited Ecuador in 1993 and in 1995 , Peru, and in 1996 , Portugal, as well as repeated transfers to Denmark and Holland . These are the voyages which has hitherto been German police confirm that tracks the passenger lists of German aircraft of the past 20 years after finding that the destinies of Martin N., there were rapes and murders of children I believe that is also related.

Going back a little behind in his biography, when he was a high school student of 16 years, we find a serious sign of criminal instinct. According to the newspaper Weser Kurier, in 1987, sent several letters of threat and extortion to neighboring families. " have to give 150,000 marks if they do not want their children abducted " he wrote by hand in a letter sent to the family of a doctor. "Failure to comply our instructions, your children will die " threatened.

The letters were so credible that the family in question remained under strict surveillance to their children for months, until police identified the letter and was punished with eight weeks social work .

Five years later, murder his first real victim.

(With information from ROSALIA SANCHEZ / Berlin)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

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Talking to Frederick Forsyth

has never been a spy, but you know in depth the gears of power. Obama Chavez, Qaddafi ... when Forsyth talks, many tremble.

Despite the truculence of his plots, Forsyth is a man with a sense of humor. Very black, though. Obama can flay and then joke about the Egyptian general, the impunity of U.S. special forces in Afghanistan and the dangers of dealing with smugglers.

A nervous laugh punctuates many of his sentences, as if to remove iron rough affairs. The truth is that after his novels, populated by ruthless characters (the last, Cobra) shows close and friendly, willing to talk.

Forsyth is a British Conservative Eurosceptic, defender of the monarchy and the political incorrectness and father of two who lives far away with his second wife on a farm. He writes and cares for their animals when they travel, research, met with undercover agents or diving or fishing in tropical waters.

Question. How much money makes cocaine?
Frederick Forsyth.
More or less, ten million euros per tonne . No other product provides many benefits. A kilo of "pure Colombian 'costs $ 4000, and in Europe or the U.S. the kilo, cut, can exceed $ 70,000. They add all kinds of crap, flour, talcum powder, sugar, procaine, amphetamines ...-. If pure coke sniffin, you can die of overdose, if you sniffin cut, poisoned. A bad deal for both.

Question. How many kilos move the drug dealers around the world? FF

About 300 tonnes arriving in Europe and many other North America. You may reach the thousands. For every ton without cutting out six or seven tons of finished goods.

Question. Cobra is fiction, but could be interpreted as his proposal to end the cocaine trade? FF

A proposed mine not because, speaking with the staff of SOCA and the DEA (U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and the United Kingdom, respectively), I discovered that you know how. I base my story on what they told me.

Question. Well, count, count ... FF

Officials estimate that is intercepted by 15 percent of total traffic. For the posters, nothing. If interceptors to 80 percent, the market burst, there would be sufficient supply and unleash a brutal war between mafias and gangs for control of such a small cake. From the police point of view, would not be frowned upon: "Let them kill each other!". But for U.S. president would be unbearable. The ordinary citizen does not find a corpse in the courtyard of the school for their children or slaughter while attending a dinner at your favorite restaurant. What would a president? Let him annihilate the risk of losing the election? Nothing is more catastrophic for a politician to lose the next election.

Question. "The drug agency then considered impossible to solve the business? FF

Impossible, yes, there is hardly a U.S. president you get that far. When I started the book, I spoke with Thomas M. Harrigan, head of DEA operations, and asked: "Are you winning?" The answer was an unequivocal `no '. It is an impossible fight. The figures are astronomical moves cocaine. There's nothing like, or heroin, drugs synthetic marijuana ... have the best aircraft, equipment and advanced technology, the best professionals and lawyers, bought judges, politicians, police chiefs, generals and officers of customs in any country . Mules can be sent one after another, for $ 5000 many people are willing to swallow a ball of cocaine and risk that burst in the stomach or be arrested. For bosses no problem.

Question. In Cobra, a secret task force sinks the ships of the narcos in the ocean and shoot down their planes. We do not allow any legislation ... FF

not kill the crew, the stop is take her to a military base and sink ships. As for the planes, there are countries like Brazil and Colombia, whose laws allow abate aircraft, without warning, if you think moving cocaine.

Question. Do you propose to generalize laws allowing abductions and killings in some cases? FF

Adolf Hitler never did anything illegal , was enough to pass laws that allowed murder six million Jews. Now consider enough terrorists to drug dealers. Today, U.S. Special Forces rarely taken as prisoners of Al Qaeda members, kill them directly. And even give them a medal. Take refuge in the Patriot Act, passed after the 11-S. The law is chilling, can do whatever they want, almost without limits. If you enter Anthrax in the U.S., are licensed to kill. Cocaine hydrochloride is also a white powder, no more than climb up the category and become threats to national security.

Question. Anti-terrorism laws passed after the 11-S are for many a brutal abuse of human rights ... FF

So this world, the drug traffickers and terrorists violate the law, but to be arrested are the first to invoke it. This obsession with human rights favors many criminals. That's hard to beat the game to the drug.

Question. Any politician has called him after reading his novel interested in ideas for how are you? FF

No. I've had, yes, messages from members of the security forces who have felt identified: "Well, there's going to hurt!" They say.

Question. You mean politicians or drug lords? FF


Question. Combat drug trafficking is not, he says, a priority for Western leaders
No. There should be a demand as there is for combating terrorism. From Iraq, the message they send Americans to their leaders is: "We embark on more wars. We are not able to win we started."

Question. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan affect resources for this fight, I guess ... FF

Sure, there are too many fronts. Obama came to the White House full of promise, but has not done anything. The reality is a five-ton truck with faulty brakes. Iran, Palestine, Iraq become a failed state, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya and others ... Obama said he would achieve peace in the Middle East. Excuse me?, What's going to get what? They take 60 years trying and in four years you're going to solve everything! Peace is further away. His foreign policy is a failure, has no influence.

Question. Where have you been doing research for his novel? FF

In Italy, Spain, Washington, Bogota ...

Question. What governments benefit from this traffic? FF

The Hugo Chavez, for example. Through the border with Venezuela is moving massive amounts of cocaine. Uribe was the first president who really fought the Colombian cartels, with U.S. help, of course. Aid to Colombia was enormous. Uribe granted permission to fly spy planes and posters moved their laboratories to Ecuador and Venezuela. Chavez is mouth filling criticizing the lack of morality of capitalism and the U.S., but it is not just a big hypocrite. It is up to his neck in the drug business. Has ruined the U.S. economy, needs money and the signs will pay in exchange for keeping their labs on Venezuelan soil.

Question. Where do you get information like this? FF

Contacts. Some of my 12 years as a journalist. In the case of Cobra talked with drug agencies and police from Bogota to Milan and Hamburg, passing through West Africa. The contact list grows over the years. I pick up the phone: "How's it going, Charlie?" I know you're retired, but (almost all my sources are military officers or retired) who I can address this issue? ". A little guy called me from Charly. We call it 'old boys network' (network of alumni).

Question. Where do drugs go to Europe?

FF, 80 percent, Calabria, southern Italy , as more and more for Africa comes from hand of the 'Ndrangheta. In Italy there are four mafia organizations. La Cosa Nostra, Sicily, the Camorra, Naples, the Santa Corona Unita, based in Bari, very involved in human trafficking, and the most secret and bloody, the 'Ndrangheta. Its members are all Calabria and not talk to anyone outside their circle. Control all Calabria and from Milan, where three suburbs Calabrese, run almost all the European business of coca.

Question. Did you get to infiltrate an organization? FF

life is worth little in some places and more with a face like this. If Colombians had known what he was, I would have paid. The most dangerous journey was to Guinea Bissau, a failed state key point of the African routes. I posed by bird watchers. When the customs officer asked me the reason for my visit, I said: "Watching the birds." "Another crazy Europe, must have thought. The African police ....

Question. Speaking of covers, the hero of Cobra creates an NGO for the purpose. Is this common in espionage? FF

course, is a perfect cover. People come and go, gives you access to high areas and slums, no one suspected of a humanitarian NGO.

Question. To prepare "Dogs of war" pretended to organize a coup to contact arms dealers ... FF

So, I pretended to be South African. Mercenaries valued at $ 240,000 hit (the novel is 1974), who thought it was really planned. Believe me, I removed the dealers want to deal with forever. One, from his limousine, he saw my picture in a Hamburg bookshop promoting Jackal, my first novel, recently published in Germany and were not amused. I was told, left half-dressed and caught a train to Amsterdam.

Question. This time, I think, has caught a real coup ... FF

I was trapped in Guinea Bissau last year, I was not expressly for the hit, I swear I had nothing to do. Landed and shut the borders. One day I had lunch with the coroner who examined the corpse of President João Bernardo Vieira. Apparently, his house attacked with grenades, he dropped the building over, wounded, slipped through the rubble, he was shot, however, had just died. They took him home to his mother and sliced \u200b\u200bthem with a machete.

Question. With all scrubbed in which it has got, have you ever feared for his life? FF

A few of my real people were not amused appear in a novel. The Nazis, for example, did not know who he was until it was far away.

Question. Does infiltrated the Nazi organization of the novel Odessa (1972), as the protagonist? FF

Odessa met ex-combatants, but I was too young to be one of them. I spoke with nazi organizations, but did not know who he was until I left Germany.

Question. Have you crossed paths with many psychopathic murderers? Some FF

another. It is best to run away. Africa is more likely where you are to die for no reason. You come across a drunk or drugged soldier who does not like you and goodbye!

Question. In his previous novel, "The Afghan ," wrote the Internet as a propaganda tool for terrorists. Do not feel much affection for the Web .. FF

Half of the Islamic terrorists are recruited there. Not to mention child pornography, bomb-making manuals, murder, maul ... 50 percent of the network is harmful to the human condition.

Question. His role in the movement for change that the world is Arabic, do not you deserve some credit? FF

certainly for dictatorships Internet is a problem. Each time is more complex to do what Hitler, which quashed all dissent. There were only radio, television and official newspapers. Today, it is impossible. Increasingly requires more effort to be a dictator.

Question. Do you mean by Gaddafi? FF

And everyone else. Look, for 40 years knew that Gaddafi was a monstrous murderer and that did not stop our leaders go to Tripoli to embrace and fatten their accounts. Now, like them, I also look to Libya terrified by its treatment of its people, but my problem is I have good memories and I think all that the West has supported tyrants: Idi Amin, Mugabe, Saddam. ..

Question. Does attack on Libya in Iraq makes you think? FF

There are parallels. 38 years ago we could have got rid of Qaddafi. British intelligence set up a plot, uniting the tribes of Libya, most opposed to it. I discovered this in 1973 (Gaddafi had spent four years in power), while investigating arms trafficking, but the government backed down saying: "what next?". Later, Gaddafi funding, arming and training terrorists, many looked at that time sorry. Imagine now.

Question. Do you think there will be democracy in North Africa? FF

are companies controlled by the hosts. The Egyptian For example, rules from the revolution of Nasser and the Free Officers Movement (1952). All that has changed is that Mubarak, a general, has gone and promised reforms. Think that such a tradition will create a democracy in a few months? Let me skepticism.

Question. And the West, what paint in all this? FF

For the West, the good news is that the military will not allow the Muslim Brotherhood to power. The generals are secular, drink, smoke, sleep with all sorts of women, are corrupt and are the owners of companies. They promise a lot, but to be seen. Fernando Goitia

Saturday, April 23, 2011

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Why Troitiño

Zapatero not to end with ETA but to integrate. To begin the great operation of conversion of Psoe the spearhead for the Popular Front reprint.

To transform this country with a new regime inspired by the Second Republic. And get it over with the bloody pacts with the "eternal right" who had practiced with Felipe.

had to give a twist to the story. A quantum leap in the quality of democracy. For it was necessary to win all nationalists, all anti-establishment forces and enemies of the state, including ETA.

aims, within the new alliance would be achievable. With all against the PP, a large Tinell Pact in Spain could ensure a permanent majority to impose a right to become a minority, the irreversible jump to the "socialist democracy." So Eguiguren

had a free hand to negotiate with ETA. Pepe perhaps not learned, it is certain that spends much time in the clouds. And in these years this project has penetrated deeply into all branches of government . Hence the joke Troitiño. Hence the contempt for the victims, part of the enemy.

gentlemen without income children beards dusted with bread crumbs to show that although they had eaten the innards creaking. Hunger degrades and is hidden. Anyone in a large English city walk first thing in the morning will see artisans (people who have a job) raiding rubbish bins and bins of supermarkets. Caritas
meals increases to 50 percent annually, and the nuns who earlier supported only unprocessed foods now accept pots of stews enchanted. In the queues there are families and citizens who have just groomed a step down from the middle class.

This socialism has the sensitivity office of a sharpening stone and the figures do not translate into human pain and deny that some of the dire need to pass English. The hiding empty stomach as well as those they hide because they have eaten is considered a disgrace.

State is the type who likes to Zapatero and his gang: hunger and exclusion of any opposition on the basis of compromise with terrorists.

The rest is gibberish intimidation of Rubal.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Leaking Clear Fluid From Nipples

ETA released to Roots of Chaves, the "persecuted by the Franco"

It was at a rally in the town of Dos Hermanas (Sevilla), 24 February 2008, when Manuel Chaves said, " We have to win, because we owe to our parents and grandparents, who had a very bad during the Franco . "
wanted to play the dismissal with a family background that had nothing to do with retaliation or persecution of the dictatorship, but quite the opposite. Chaves

belongs to a wealthy family with political background and military positions of some responsibility both at the time of Primo de Rivera and, above all, after the Civil War, in Franco's dictatorship.

His father, Antonio Plá Chaves, who fought in the Franco side, reached shortly after the degree of commander in chief of Franco's troops in North Africa .

As shown in the photograph, taken in 1944 along with other senior military officers of the troops of Franco, was to rub shoulders with the cream of the regime. It can be seen at the very army minister, Antonio Goicoechea, an image that seems to be connected with any political or economic hardship.

The race of the father of former president of the Junta de Andalucía is consolidating rapidly. In 1973 he was given the Cross of the Order of Military Merit badge White, a year later was promoted to colonel in January 1975 was received in audience by Franco himself.

Maybe that's the reason why Chavez, referring to the past and Zapatero Unlike his grandfather, has never mentioned his father or his mother, Gonzalez Africa, which harnesses carried by the Women's Section Ceuta streets, nor to her father, Antonio Iborra, another senior military in San Roque.

it did not seem to have a family that suffered greatly under the regime of Franco, "Sentinel of the West."

His dedication to politics could come to him then by his grandfather , Remigio Gonzalez, who emigrated from Ceuta Córdoba. It was there that Chaves was born both his father and grandfather where Remigio had different insurance business and representation, and where he became one of the first customs officers of the population.

was where the grandfather of Chaves became an influential person from 10 years, actively participating in social clubs, the Red Cross, confraternities, and as the organizer of the first riding of Kings.

in the 20's I became a Councillor and in 1923, newly established the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, the mayor of Ceuta , appearing his appointment in newspapers like "The Correspondence of Spain", "The Voice" or "Fair."

was during this time that he had contact with such important personalities at the time as Ramon Franco, brother of the future dictator, and received honors such as Medal of Lisbon for its international work.

Mayor during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and Franco Colonel , active Phalange mother ....... a family on the current curriculum Third Deputy Prime Minister that has nothing to do with a family hardship has passed. Or who has suffered "torture Franco."

"Probes" all these repressed for generations fascists dictatorships.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

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Syria: Assad family

The Assad clan controls all the threads of the Syrian policy through a complex network of brothers , brothers and cousins \u200b\u200b. A court in the crossing ambition, betrayal, blind loyalties and passions in which politics often mix with the personal. A saga in which about President Bashar al Assad , some of the main characters are:

Maher Assad, the warrior, brother under Bashar. Head of the Republican Guard. Has led the crackdown on demonstrators in the town of Dera, origin of the riots. Of violent military inclinations, there was speculation at the time that the patriarch of the clan, his father Hafez al-Assad, had thought of him as heir, but ruled that in view of his genius as hell. In 1999, during an argument he shot his brother in law Assef Shawkat. Later, Maher and Assef were reconciled and went to work as close to the security services. Both are mentioned in the report prepared by German Mehler Detlav the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Assef

Shawkat, the cuñadísimodel scheme, number two in the military. His power comes from his marriage to Bushra, the only daughter of the patriarch Hafez, a degree in pharmacy very influential in the Family. The marriage of Bushra and Assef, however, must overcome some obstacles almost sentimental melodrama. Frontally opposed to the wedding Basil Assad, the brother who was destined to be the heir of the regime, but died in 1994. Basil Assef considered a "climb." But the couple eloped and married against all odds. Basil's death provided a reconciliation with the family. Your destination is linked by blood and fire with the Assad. Bushra Assad

, the matriarch, Bashar's older sister. This degree in pharmacy has no official position, but also he needs to exert great influence at court.

Rifaat Assad, the exiled uncle of Bashar. It was a very influential figure during the regime of Hafez, the patriarch. His name is linked to the massacre of Hama, where he was sent by Hafez to crush the revolt of the Muslim Brotherhood. Fell from grace after opposing the succession of Bashar. Today he lives in exile, between France and Spain.

Asma, the highly educated esposade Bashar. A respected figure with an impressive academic background behind them. Degree in Economics Mathematics, Computer Science and French, worked for Deutsche Bank and investment bank JP Morgan. As first lady, however, has not exercised yuppie, but has been linked to several NGOs in which he has cultivated an image of woman concerned for the disadvantaged. Although there is often photographed with some models of the most exclusive brands in the world, is a discreet woman, not given to displays of luxury, and likes showing off her home life and simple tastes. Is the fixed image of the clan. Rami

Majluf, a specialist in making money, a cousin of Bashar, who owns a real estate empire and big business tied to the regime, as Siriatel and Cham holding. Hafiz

Majluf, millionaire, a cousin of Bashar. Telecommunications tycoon, banking and gas. In their offices managed the fortunes of Assad.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Point And Shoot Continuous Drive

ladies and gentlemen, I will remove the crucifix! Canto

A brave teacher issued the letter is then inserted and that is typical of a country that today is semi-Sovietized, and it will be even more behind six months: Spain.

Illustrious Mr. Deputies:

I am a teacher in public school and I am writing to inform your Excellency that the withdrawal will proceed immediately to the crucifix, both in the classroom and my office, I will not wait for the future force Religious Freedom Act prepared by the Government.

How have we so long to realize that we are in a secular state and has no official religion? We should be ashamed of the harm we have caused to keep the symbol as insulting in our public places! And what a lack of respect and sensitivity toward democratic citizens who do not profess our religion!

is inexcusable to have maintained publicly exposed the symbol of the Jewish character that deserved such a death for denouncing the corruption of political and religious powers of his epoch, to oppose the oppression and abuse that the rulers imposed on the people, to go with prostitutes, thieves and illegal, who gave his life to the sacrifice on the cross to go on defending freedom, dignity and equality of all human beings.

will not take any longer to remove the crucifix on the many millions of people have given their lives. Withdraw the crucifix because I will not remain responsible for that students and citizens to see discovered surrender values, effort, love and solidarity expressed by the Jew hanging on the cross, with open arms as a sign of acceptance and forgiveness.

take away the crucifix, lest he see it I realize that today there are still many crucified by the same causes to which we should also remove their crosses. Take away the crucifix, they do not want my students will think that giving one's life for others is the most sublime value.

Instead, illustrious ladies and gentlemen, I think putting a condom or a pill blister the day after curette or forceps with cross which causes the interruption of pregnancy, either of them would represent perfectly the supreme value of freedom.

But on second thought, not a good idea, because not everyone would understand, and also there is nothing aesthetically placed next to the picture of a condom Bourbon.

why I decided to replace the crucifix for a work of art, such that our artists have been universal and are displayed in museums around the world to be appreciated by millions of citizens.

A work of art should not scandalize or provoke no injury on the personal convictions of those who admire her. I thought of the great artists such as Salvador Dalí , citizen of the ERC, or Mariano Benlliure , citizen of Ms. Pajín, although I'm tempted to put my two favorite artists, one of Extremadura, Zurbarán and none like me, Andalusian, the universal Velázquez.

And it would be much appreciated to help me decide. I send you, then my preference.



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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epic Grand Gabilondo

Tertsch Hermann writes an interesting article today aobre the goodness of the Great Man of Journalism English saying that "the high priest of the correction period is left of this country Iñaki Gabilondo. "His word is law" for many English (and English, who considered him the ideal son.)

Idealistic, tender, vulnerable, sensitive, is the champion of political correctness and human journalistically. Why not raise his voice as he suffered for us. For the Basques, of course, and forests, climate change and bobcats, for bulls, for the mink farm and cruel dismissed by managers who are paid premiums above (except if you call Cebrián). With blindness and violence of men and the eternal woes of women, good and wise all but Esperanza Aguirre.

suffer the brutality of white heterosexual Americans, for the tender souls of all immigrants of color. Suffers from the colonialism that was oppressive and multinationals today. The right hates that exports weapons and he left disappointed that exports more. is unconditional in its commitment to the victims after an attack but ruthless with his family two days after if they fall, poor fools, in the grip of the right manipulative.

it hurt a lot of hostility in Spain to moderate Islam, so tolerant. As much as the rudeness and bigotry of the English Catholics, always bent on stirring up cross. Le outraged, yes, the Church, den of pedophiles and the Vatican, the center of anti-democratic conspiracy.

afraid And much, much, the far right. There's a lot, you know. Suffice it to say that they are there which violates the code of good conduct from Gabilondo. From the right who will not be broken satellite a socialist regime, to every European citizen sick of paying taxes to the English or Greek union wages and arramplen rise with the subsidies, they are all right-wingers.

to such threat constantly called to join the Truth Movement humanist who are Felipe (what a shame about the GAL!), Zapatero (as good or as bad luck) and him, the singer of the harmony that Zapatero speaks of consensus before the cameras to agree with him after the virtues of confrontation and tension.

Rajoy is good when you are imitating radio Gabilondo Social litanies, but a cowardly scoundrel as he puts a stick to President Zapatero.

fascism is concerned lately on television because there are channels modest say things he does not like , while the channel saying whatever he likes it closed due to bankruptcy. Now he says that they get with him. Do not know what that is.

Gabilondo Only Friends have regular features in newspapers and television journalists for insulting dissenting. To lift her sentences daily context, misrepresent and manipulate and feed hatred to supporters forums beatings, television close and finish with "fascists."

Gabilondo said that Aznar is a traitor . To say that our economy is bad. He says the friend who was negotiating with ETA to back the government of Spain as he signed a deal with this terrorism.

who helped to besiege the headquarters of the enemy in time of reflection. Whoever welcomes negotiations in which they said " what should the Government should ETA and vice versa."

Who jelly agreement with separatists and terrorists from The Tinell to ban half of Spain. What we speak of treason?
