A singer gum need
Reza Galician topic that is so tight that if they were, the polls would only have one possible answer: "Do not know / No answer." That must be what happens to Rajoy, who never knows anything.
At least, that is clear from the agenda of the last month. As a bearded Hoidini, has escaped the reporters who asked about the challenge lists Bildu. Up to 15 days was not talking about the hottest topic of the moment.
Or, for that matter, the presence charged with corruption in the PP lists .
Actually, yes Rajoy spoken: there have been statements from you in two thirds of the days of April. Another thing is to answer: his habit is to talk about his book and leave without taking questions. Rallies, speeches, presentations of books, meals with members ... Any format you'd better, if he is the only choice of the issue to be addressed. That policy is never current.
This month, Rajoy has missed only three cases this command. The first day 4, with an interview on the SER. The second, the 6 with a press conference in the Catalan parliament over a few questions on TV3. And, last, day 11, with a meeting with reporters after meeting with Angela Merkel.
These melés, Rajoy es la antítesis de Mourinho. Es el maestro del antititular, y de la LERDEZ.
Tras su encuentro con Merkel , por ejemplo, los reporteros le preguntaron tres veces por la presencia de imputados en sus listas de la Comunidad Valenciana . Y las tres se les escabulló: " Sobre ese asunto no voy a hablar hoy ", dijo. Ni nunca, claro, porque si se moja en algo le entra diarrea. Y así hasta hoy.
Esta táctica provoca un efecto perverso. Frustrados por el mutismo de Rajoy, los reporteros le asaetan a preguntas en cuanto asoma la barba en un acto. Y él, abrumado, se fuga como puede.
Es rarísimo que el popular responda una de estas preguntas improvised, but made a plea on April 15. That day, after dodging the rest of the pen, stood with Adriana Abenia, Sálvame reporter. After a chat of Holy Week, the reporter brought up the subject of Bildu . It was then, somewhat annoying, Rajoy settled the conversation. How
going to say something if it is probably still not aware of what that is?
Something similar happened this miércoles.En mentioned as ETA, ended concord: Rajoy as his team went his way .
Meanwhile, in the PP are irritadísimos by criticism. They have even released a dossier on sus intervenciones en lo que va de año. Pero, qué coño de irritados ni gaitas escocesas si es mucho más cómodo hablar con un mudo que al menos por señas dice algo.
El silbo gomero, un antiquísimo idioma de 4.000 palabras, al lado del rajoyés, es todo un prodigio de expresividad y de parlamentarismo.
Más les vale a los peperos nombrar Jefe a un experto en chiflar con silbo gomero, porque el Registrador en donde se halla cómodo es en un sofá leyendo "Marca".
silbador gomero necesitan pepe
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