A singer gum need
Reza Galician topic that is so tight that if they were, the polls would only have one possible answer: "Do not know / No answer." That must be what happens to Rajoy, who never knows anything.
At least, that is clear from the agenda of the last month. As a bearded Hoidini, has escaped the reporters who asked about the challenge lists Bildu. Up to 15 days was not talking about the hottest topic of the moment.
Or, for that matter, the presence charged with corruption in the PP lists .
Actually, yes Rajoy spoken: there have been statements from you in two thirds of the days of April. Another thing is to answer: his habit is to talk about his book and leave without taking questions. Rallies, speeches, presentations of books, meals with members ... Any format you'd better, if he is the only choice of the issue to be addressed. That policy is never current.
This month, Rajoy has missed only three cases this command. The first day 4, with an interview on the SER. The second, the 6 with a press conference in the Catalan parliament over a few questions on TV3. And, last, day 11, with a meeting with reporters after meeting with Angela Merkel.
These melés, Rajoy es la antítesis de Mourinho. Es el maestro del antititular, y de la LERDEZ.
Tras su encuentro con Merkel , por ejemplo, los reporteros le preguntaron tres veces por la presencia de imputados en sus listas de la Comunidad Valenciana . Y las tres se les escabulló: " Sobre ese asunto no voy a hablar hoy ", dijo. Ni nunca, claro, porque si se moja en algo le entra diarrea. Y así hasta hoy.
Esta táctica provoca un efecto perverso. Frustrados por el mutismo de Rajoy, los reporteros le asaetan a preguntas en cuanto asoma la barba en un acto. Y él, abrumado, se fuga como puede.
Es rarísimo que el popular responda una de estas preguntas improvised, but made a plea on April 15. That day, after dodging the rest of the pen, stood with Adriana Abenia, Sálvame reporter. After a chat of Holy Week, the reporter brought up the subject of Bildu . It was then, somewhat annoying, Rajoy settled the conversation. How
going to say something if it is probably still not aware of what that is?
Something similar happened this miércoles.En mentioned as ETA, ended concord: Rajoy as his team went his way .
Meanwhile, in the PP are irritadísimos by criticism. They have even released a dossier on sus intervenciones en lo que va de año. Pero, qué coño de irritados ni gaitas escocesas si es mucho más cómodo hablar con un mudo que al menos por señas dice algo.
El silbo gomero, un antiquísimo idioma de 4.000 palabras, al lado del rajoyés, es todo un prodigio de expresividad y de parlamentarismo.
Más les vale a los peperos nombrar Jefe a un experto en chiflar con silbo gomero, porque el Registrador en donde se halla cómodo es en un sofá leyendo "Marca".
silbador gomero necesitan pepe
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
How To Reset The Car Sarter Compu Star
peper That royal wedding which was outlawed but lie
El secreto de María Cristina Bourbon, mother of Elizabeth II held a false link with a military commoner had eight children, "hidden" with him, you wanted to reign in Ecuador ...
In 1844, the history of former regent Maria Cristina de Borbon, the woman expelled from Spain by Espartero first and then his own daughter, who forged a military expedition to impose delirious king of Ecuador as one of his children , tangled in a thousand business with the Marquis of Salamanca and charged in the courts of stealing the crown jewels ...
In September 1833 his uncle died and husband, Fernando VII , and in December of that year he had married, or so she thought, with Fernando Muñoz , the bodyguard who fell within the lifetime of Desire.
Why in secret? Because I needed the strictest secrecy to preserve the regency, which had held until 1840, and custody of their daughters: Isabel, the queen girl, and Luisa Fernanda.
So in the Constituent Cortes of 1854, to form the committee that investigated his political action, the deputies were unable to obtain certification of the marriage, as there was in registration. Although it had been concluded.
How? One of the few relationships courtesans of Muñoz in 1833 was the priest Aniano Marcos González , his cousin, who was in Madrid, the newly ordained. Spoke with him to marry her the queen and offered a chaplaincy of honor if I could find the way to do it in secret. Attempted to license the patriarch, but he was suspicious of the young cleric, aware of the seriousness of running a morganatic marriage and hide. He also denied approval on the bishop of Cuenca, who was diocesan Aniano Marcos himself.
then the couple appealed to the Papal Nuncio, Cardinal Tiberi. He resisted at first, but once repeated the handwritten obituary instance of real girlfriend, ended up giving license to the priest.
At seven in the morning of December 28, 1833 took place on marriage, in the palace. But it was not easy to avoid the uncouth remarks of the court and its critics. The foul-mouthed Country Alange Countess then said: " Our queen is a woman married in secret and in public pregnant."
And that was the drama, as he explained his granddaughter, Princess Eulalia " The concealment of the children and her marriage to my beautiful grandmother imposed incredible sacrifices. When one child was born, she was forced to dress and seek to read the opening speech of the courts at five hours after giving birth ... Fainted is explained as a passenger discomfort, but that sparked the rumors and was the occasion to endless legends were not without some truth .
That to call "cute" his grandmother is a bit exaggerated when looking at the picture the same below.
But the link was invalid for canon law. Everyone had missed the crucial intervention of the priest at the ceremony prescribed by the Council of Trent, which was the law of the Kingdom. So the pious Maria Cristina and its no less compassionate husband lived as lovers and simple parents of an illegitimate offspring of eight children, who kept secret with incredible stunts. And the unscrupulous
had finally taken their toll on the conscience of the queen, as is clear from this touching letter from General Narvaez, president of the government, Finance Minister, Alejandro Mon, April 1844: "Her Majesty the Queen mother called me today, and with a difficult emotion to explain myself, and a torrent of tears that fell from my eyes, I said he is not married, have children, children whom he loves, and wants a clear conscience not bring misfortune to their children and leave the big commitment that is . "
Therefore, as returned from exile in Paris during the reign of Espartero, Maria Cristina turned to his daughter. And so Elizabeth II Muñoz made the Grandee of Spain First Class as Duke of Riansares and he would fall after all types of titles and distinctions: the Marquis de San Agustín, a knight of the Golden Fleece or the Grand Cross Order of Carlos III, while it rose to colonel, brigadier, quarterback and lieutenant general .
But there was the question of marriage. The National Historical Archive there is a booklet titled eloquently: Betrothal the Hon. D. Agustín Fernando Muñoz y Sanchez, Duke of Riansares, with HM the Queen Mother Augusta Mrs. María Cristina de Borbón. Signed on October 12, 1844 by Don Juan José Bonel and Orbe, bishop of Córdoba and confessor of Queen Elizabeth II.
Elizabeth II's confessor proclaimed nothing less than it had allowed her mother to marry her bodyguard, thereby admitting that the couple was not married yet, although they were born seven of its eight "muñoces."
December 15, Maria Cristina informed of their legal status to Louis Philippe, king of the French: "I fill a duty to you, my uncle, which is to give part of my marriage with the Duke of Riansares .
The paper added that Maria Cristina de Borbon y Agustín Fernando Muñoz acquired "legal marriage" to nine-thirty at night, in the Queen's private apartments Governor, before a portable altar around which gathered the priests and spouses referrals.
Well, nothing. Anyone who has the surname of his grandfather, "Muñoz Bourbon is Bourbon cousin today.
is not surprising that no the widow of a king subnormal deep as was Fernando VII, was married to a calm. So it was with the widow of Polycarp, "The invention of Nations and Empires. "This last was married to a policeman.
So much for the glamor of the wedding" real. "
that lie
El secreto de María Cristina Bourbon, mother of Elizabeth II held a false link with a military commoner had eight children, "hidden" with him, you wanted to reign in Ecuador ...
In 1844, the history of former regent Maria Cristina de Borbon, the woman expelled from Spain by Espartero first and then his own daughter, who forged a military expedition to impose delirious king of Ecuador as one of his children , tangled in a thousand business with the Marquis of Salamanca and charged in the courts of stealing the crown jewels ...
In September 1833 his uncle died and husband, Fernando VII , and in December of that year he had married, or so she thought, with Fernando Muñoz , the bodyguard who fell within the lifetime of Desire.
Why in secret? Because I needed the strictest secrecy to preserve the regency, which had held until 1840, and custody of their daughters: Isabel, the queen girl, and Luisa Fernanda.
So in the Constituent Cortes of 1854, to form the committee that investigated his political action, the deputies were unable to obtain certification of the marriage, as there was in registration. Although it had been concluded.
How? One of the few relationships courtesans of Muñoz in 1833 was the priest Aniano Marcos González , his cousin, who was in Madrid, the newly ordained. Spoke with him to marry her the queen and offered a chaplaincy of honor if I could find the way to do it in secret. Attempted to license the patriarch, but he was suspicious of the young cleric, aware of the seriousness of running a morganatic marriage and hide. He also denied approval on the bishop of Cuenca, who was diocesan Aniano Marcos himself.
then the couple appealed to the Papal Nuncio, Cardinal Tiberi. He resisted at first, but once repeated the handwritten obituary instance of real girlfriend, ended up giving license to the priest.
At seven in the morning of December 28, 1833 took place on marriage, in the palace. But it was not easy to avoid the uncouth remarks of the court and its critics. The foul-mouthed Country Alange Countess then said: " Our queen is a woman married in secret and in public pregnant."
And that was the drama, as he explained his granddaughter, Princess Eulalia " The concealment of the children and her marriage to my beautiful grandmother imposed incredible sacrifices. When one child was born, she was forced to dress and seek to read the opening speech of the courts at five hours after giving birth ... Fainted is explained as a passenger discomfort, but that sparked the rumors and was the occasion to endless legends were not without some truth .
That to call "cute" his grandmother is a bit exaggerated when looking at the picture the same below.
But the link was invalid for canon law. Everyone had missed the crucial intervention of the priest at the ceremony prescribed by the Council of Trent, which was the law of the Kingdom. So the pious Maria Cristina and its no less compassionate husband lived as lovers and simple parents of an illegitimate offspring of eight children, who kept secret with incredible stunts. And the unscrupulous
had finally taken their toll on the conscience of the queen, as is clear from this touching letter from General Narvaez, president of the government, Finance Minister, Alejandro Mon, April 1844: "Her Majesty the Queen mother called me today, and with a difficult emotion to explain myself, and a torrent of tears that fell from my eyes, I said he is not married, have children, children whom he loves, and wants a clear conscience not bring misfortune to their children and leave the big commitment that is . "
Therefore, as returned from exile in Paris during the reign of Espartero, Maria Cristina turned to his daughter. And so Elizabeth II Muñoz made the Grandee of Spain First Class as Duke of Riansares and he would fall after all types of titles and distinctions: the Marquis de San Agustín, a knight of the Golden Fleece or the Grand Cross Order of Carlos III, while it rose to colonel, brigadier, quarterback and lieutenant general .
But there was the question of marriage. The National Historical Archive there is a booklet titled eloquently: Betrothal the Hon. D. Agustín Fernando Muñoz y Sanchez, Duke of Riansares, with HM the Queen Mother Augusta Mrs. María Cristina de Borbón. Signed on October 12, 1844 by Don Juan José Bonel and Orbe, bishop of Córdoba and confessor of Queen Elizabeth II.
Elizabeth II's confessor proclaimed nothing less than it had allowed her mother to marry her bodyguard, thereby admitting that the couple was not married yet, although they were born seven of its eight "muñoces."
December 15, Maria Cristina informed of their legal status to Louis Philippe, king of the French: "I fill a duty to you, my uncle, which is to give part of my marriage with the Duke of Riansares .
The paper added that Maria Cristina de Borbon y Agustín Fernando Muñoz acquired "legal marriage" to nine-thirty at night, in the Queen's private apartments Governor, before a portable altar around which gathered the priests and spouses referrals.
Well, nothing. Anyone who has the surname of his grandfather, "Muñoz Bourbon is Bourbon cousin today.
is not surprising that no the widow of a king subnormal deep as was Fernando VII, was married to a calm. So it was with the widow of Polycarp, "The invention of Nations and Empires. "This last was married to a policeman.
So much for the glamor of the wedding" real. "
that lie
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sunday Sport Jo Guest
Bildu Eye
The decision of the Supreme Chamber of rejecting 61 of the lists temporarily closed Bildu attempt to sneak Batasuna, once again, in the institutions.
has not been easy. In the vote, nine of the 16 judges opted for estimating the resources of the Office and the State Bar, six chose to reject (ie that favored the coalition could attend) and one voted for his partial estimate, which shows that the division came in the room when it was decided not Sortu enrollment (nine votes to seven) has remained practically.
The Basque ETA terrorism violence stood at the base of the system and destroyed democracy, to exclude from the alternation of non-nationalist options.
nationalism as a whole, benefited from political overrepresentation at once favored by the inhibition of non-nationalist forces and the violence of terrorists. This situation has lasted nearly three decades, and only began to change very slowly at first, after the huge demonstrations by the democraciadel summer of 1997, following the kidnapping and murder of Miguel Angel Blanco.
Nationalism is not resigned to the effective alternation (the result of a belated and imperfect constitutionalist party alliance) or the disappearance of ETA.
However, the two factors is only the second truly deleterious to nationalist hegemony, because the continuity of terrorism is politically necessary condition for the survival of nationalism.
If ETA disappear, they would also, and complete inhibition persisting non-nationalist forces and the overrepresentation still notable nationalism.
Therefore, from the Ararteko Urkullu Inigo Lamarca, theoretically moderate nationalists have been hoarse Bildu advocating legalization. Such protection takes two forms: the threat, Urkullu, breaking its commitments to the government of Rodriguez and Lamarca's interpretation of the rights of voters radical in terms of a tacit "extension of rights", that would vote for a legitimate option and subject matter, but virtually identical of the outlawed Batasuna.
And the Socialists are very sensitive to moral blackmail of nationalism when they are raised in the same jargon progress.
often disgust I long to take over now and the Kurkullus Rubal.
But still not finished the game: recourse to the Constitutional and we all know that's not a place for the application of Justice. There are always officers Psoe goalkeepers.
outlawed eye Bildu
The decision of the Supreme Chamber of rejecting 61 of the lists temporarily closed Bildu attempt to sneak Batasuna, once again, in the institutions.
has not been easy. In the vote, nine of the 16 judges opted for estimating the resources of the Office and the State Bar, six chose to reject (ie that favored the coalition could attend) and one voted for his partial estimate, which shows that the division came in the room when it was decided not Sortu enrollment (nine votes to seven) has remained practically.
The Basque ETA terrorism violence stood at the base of the system and destroyed democracy, to exclude from the alternation of non-nationalist options.
nationalism as a whole, benefited from political overrepresentation at once favored by the inhibition of non-nationalist forces and the violence of terrorists. This situation has lasted nearly three decades, and only began to change very slowly at first, after the huge demonstrations by the democraciadel summer of 1997, following the kidnapping and murder of Miguel Angel Blanco.
Nationalism is not resigned to the effective alternation (the result of a belated and imperfect constitutionalist party alliance) or the disappearance of ETA.
However, the two factors is only the second truly deleterious to nationalist hegemony, because the continuity of terrorism is politically necessary condition for the survival of nationalism.
If ETA disappear, they would also, and complete inhibition persisting non-nationalist forces and the overrepresentation still notable nationalism.
Therefore, from the Ararteko Urkullu Inigo Lamarca, theoretically moderate nationalists have been hoarse Bildu advocating legalization. Such protection takes two forms: the threat, Urkullu, breaking its commitments to the government of Rodriguez and Lamarca's interpretation of the rights of voters radical in terms of a tacit "extension of rights", that would vote for a legitimate option and subject matter, but virtually identical of the outlawed Batasuna.
And the Socialists are very sensitive to moral blackmail of nationalism when they are raised in the same jargon progress.
often disgust I long to take over now and the Kurkullus Rubal.
But still not finished the game: recourse to the Constitutional and we all know that's not a place for the application of Justice. There are always officers Psoe goalkeepers.
outlawed eye Bildu
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Donating Office Space To 501c3
What fools troop
The bombing of stupidity mixed with noble causes and pollution of them, the accomplices who point of what to say, people of good will disoriented by the gulfs, and bays, we peer-to make it in business all subsidized, lack of training to survive the tsunami in imbeciles that overwhelms us, sweeps and asphyxia has managed to wander around the rock, not knowing what to expect.
Without daring to step naturally, expressing an opinion, even make certain gestures or movements, for fear of unintended consequences, critical raves, social sanctions, including fines and administrative proceedings, they become suddenly against and make it a steak.
I will give two examples warm. One is the friend a week ago, to make way for a woman here would be inaccurate to say to a lady at the entrance to a building, he found to his surprise, that the individual not only stopped, refusing to happen first, but also angry, spat in the face the word "macho."
So imagine the amazement of my friend, his face Linnet keeping the door open, not knowing what to do. Wondering if in case of a man, who also gives way to simple reflection of good education, would call "feminist."
With the aggravation of that given the possibility that the course was homosexual male "In that case, maybe I should go ahead," or Mrs. were gay-maybe she should support him the door to him, should have guessed, intuit or guess before establishing whether it was right to go first or not. O
whether in any case, rushing to be first, and close the door on the other, whoever he was, would resolve the dilemma or trilemma tetralemma so satisfactory to all.
But my drama does not end there, my friend commented. Because from that day, he added, can not stop spinning. What if I am in a door with a Mayan Indian, a Moor of the Moors or a dark-skinned sub-Saharan Africa, before synthetically called black?
Do you give in the way or not I give it? If you step forward, "call me a racist? If you hold the door to pass, do not look like a paternalistic and neo-colonial gesture?
it "contravenes the Equal Treatment Act or Trick? What if a woman, feminist and also afrosaharianasubnegra? How do I organize myself? Should I try to move on both at once, even if the gate is narrow and does not fit? ...
Still could be worse. What if this is a decreased or diminished physical or physical? "Give way or pass not to his own eyes or others, as evidence of an alleged humiliating inequality thus violating the exquisite equality compels me dura lex sed lex, Duralex? Should I take a run and pass in time so that the door is closed again when the other and a fag, sorry, elegetebé last? ...
On the other hand, if I suddenly start to run, is interpreted as a provocation Paralympic fascist? Should I pretend not to see the wheelchair? ... So, is anyone able to tie these flies by the tail? Well
. If we face such insomnia adults, who supposedly have references and common sense to look for life, calculated what is happening to the children, submitted by the stupid part brainwashing adults and confronted him with the implacable logic and honest, yet unpolluted crap, its a few years.
The penultimate event a teacher referred me. A four year old had done some mischief in class, teasing peers, and to be rebuked before the other, a little fly, asked who had betrayed him. "Fulanita, for example," said the teacher pointing to a blonde girl with blue eyes, "says you are very naughty and not let it work in peace." Then the creature
-four years, insist slowly turned to look at girls and said softly, but audibly, "Well, I'll from the mouth, snitch."
Appalled, the teacher intended the child disfigured, saying among other things that girls should not ever hit them, and so on. That's the worst thing, the most vile, cowardly and evil.
And then the dwarf goat, after pondering a moment, very calm and very logical, said: " Why does he not the same as boys? ." Arturo Perez Reverte
imbeciles troops
The bombing of stupidity mixed with noble causes and pollution of them, the accomplices who point of what to say, people of good will disoriented by the gulfs, and bays, we peer-to make it in business all subsidized, lack of training to survive the tsunami in imbeciles that overwhelms us, sweeps and asphyxia has managed to wander around the rock, not knowing what to expect.
Without daring to step naturally, expressing an opinion, even make certain gestures or movements, for fear of unintended consequences, critical raves, social sanctions, including fines and administrative proceedings, they become suddenly against and make it a steak.
I will give two examples warm. One is the friend a week ago, to make way for a woman here would be inaccurate to say to a lady at the entrance to a building, he found to his surprise, that the individual not only stopped, refusing to happen first, but also angry, spat in the face the word "macho."
So imagine the amazement of my friend, his face Linnet keeping the door open, not knowing what to do. Wondering if in case of a man, who also gives way to simple reflection of good education, would call "feminist."
With the aggravation of that given the possibility that the course was homosexual male "In that case, maybe I should go ahead," or Mrs. were gay-maybe she should support him the door to him, should have guessed, intuit or guess before establishing whether it was right to go first or not. O
whether in any case, rushing to be first, and close the door on the other, whoever he was, would resolve the dilemma or trilemma tetralemma so satisfactory to all.
But my drama does not end there, my friend commented. Because from that day, he added, can not stop spinning. What if I am in a door with a Mayan Indian, a Moor of the Moors or a dark-skinned sub-Saharan Africa, before synthetically called black?
Do you give in the way or not I give it? If you step forward, "call me a racist? If you hold the door to pass, do not look like a paternalistic and neo-colonial gesture?
it "contravenes the Equal Treatment Act or Trick? What if a woman, feminist and also afrosaharianasubnegra? How do I organize myself? Should I try to move on both at once, even if the gate is narrow and does not fit? ...
Still could be worse. What if this is a decreased or diminished physical or physical? "Give way or pass not to his own eyes or others, as evidence of an alleged humiliating inequality thus violating the exquisite equality compels me dura lex sed lex, Duralex? Should I take a run and pass in time so that the door is closed again when the other and a fag, sorry, elegetebé last? ...
On the other hand, if I suddenly start to run, is interpreted as a provocation Paralympic fascist? Should I pretend not to see the wheelchair? ... So, is anyone able to tie these flies by the tail? Well
. If we face such insomnia adults, who supposedly have references and common sense to look for life, calculated what is happening to the children, submitted by the stupid part brainwashing adults and confronted him with the implacable logic and honest, yet unpolluted crap, its a few years.
The penultimate event a teacher referred me. A four year old had done some mischief in class, teasing peers, and to be rebuked before the other, a little fly, asked who had betrayed him. "Fulanita, for example," said the teacher pointing to a blonde girl with blue eyes, "says you are very naughty and not let it work in peace." Then the creature
-four years, insist slowly turned to look at girls and said softly, but audibly, "Well, I'll from the mouth, snitch."
Appalled, the teacher intended the child disfigured, saying among other things that girls should not ever hit them, and so on. That's the worst thing, the most vile, cowardly and evil.
And then the dwarf goat, after pondering a moment, very calm and very logical, said: " Why does he not the same as boys? ." Arturo Perez Reverte
imbeciles troops
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